📚 Individual Lessons 📈
Individual lessons allow you to learn the basics of programming in the Python language, starting from the fundamentals and progressing to more advanced concepts. After each lesson, you will complete interesting practical assignments to reinforce the material covered. The lessons are designed for both absolute beginners and those already familiar with Python who want to enhance their skills.
Each student receives an individual learning program designed specifically for their set goals.
Python is a high-level
general-purpose programming language that is actively evolving. Python is aimed at increasing developer
productivity and promoting code readability with a minimalist core syntax.
Key strengths of the language include ease of learning, simplicity in understanding, universality, and a large
and active community.
Python Format String
Python offers several ways to format strings, including
method, andf-strings
. f-strings are considered more readable and efficient. They offer a concise and clear syntax for string interpolation. -
Python Mathematics
Numbers in Python. Arithmetic operations. Mathematical functions. Math module math, cmath. Random number functions.
Python if elif else, match
If conditional - Python if elif else, match
Python loops: for, while
Python loops: for, while
Python string
Python string
Python list tuple
Python collections list, multi-dimensional list, tuple, functions zip, enumerate
Python dictionary
Python dictionary
Python set frozenset
Python set frozenset
Python modules
Python modules - creating your own modules. Separation of code within a program (module)
if __name__ == '__main__' -
Python files
Python files, Reading and Writing Files
Python base OOP
Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Class, Objects (instances of a class), Attributes, Constructors Methods
Python Decorators
Functions can be passed as arguments to other functions, as well as functions can be the results of other functions. This fact is used to create special functions called decorators.
Python Lambda Functions
Anonymous functions (or lambda functions) are special functions defined at the point of their invocation and do not have a name (identifier) for access to them.In Python, anonymous functions can only consist of a single expression.
Setup Python in PyCharm PEP-8 and Auto Save
The PEP-8 extension for PyCharm provides formatting support for your Python scripts.
PyCharm Jupyter Notebook Keymap
Default Keymap in Jupyter PyCharm for Editing, Search/Replace, Run. Create and edit Jupyter notebooks. Run and debug Jupyter notebook code cells. Work with outputs.
NumPy in Python
Basic data types. Creating arrays using array().
Pandas in Python
Basic pandas. DataFrame, Series.
Simple Linear Regression
Pandas, Statsmodels (OLS, R-squared, F-statistic, p-value), Seaborn (Histogram of residuals, boxplot), SciPy (Q-Q plot, Fit plot), NumPy (ployfit), MatplotLib
Automation in Python
With Python's libraries like Selenium, BeautifulSoup4, Requests, Async you can automate almost anything: from web scraping to data analysis, from file manipulation to GUI interactions.
Data Analisys in Python
📊 Dive into the world of data analysis with online lessons Python! Unlock the insights hidden in your data and make informed decisions with Python's powerful data analysis tools and libraries like Pandas, NumPy, Scilitlearn, StatsModels, Matplotlib and Seaborn.