Creating your own modules in Python

We create our own module in the same way as a regular program, and save with the same extension. So that the program can be used as module, we need to write functions that we can then use in others programs.

It is better to place the module file in the folder with the program being created, since Python, when connecting a module, first looks for it in the current directory.

Let's say we need a module to perform geometric calculations. In it We will have 2 functions. One for calculating the area of a triangle, the other for calculating the area of a circle.

Let's create a file and save it under the name

We implement 2 functions in it:

  • area of a triangle according to Heron's formula
  • area of a circle

To simplify the example, we will not perform an existence check triangle along the entered sides.

Code: modules - file

import math

def striangle(a, b, c):
    p = (a + b + c) / 2
    s = math.sqrt(p * (p - a) * (p - b) * (p - c))
    return s

def scircle(r):
    s = math.pi * r * r
    return s

Please note that in this module we first include the math module, we need it needed to extract the square root and obtain the number π.

Now let's create a second file in which we will use our created module.

The help() function will display all the information about the module: where it is located, and what functions are implemented in it. Let's run the file to calculate the area of the triangle.

Code: modules -

import mygeometry


a = int(input('a= '))
b = int(input('b= '))
c = int(input('c= '))
r = int(input('r= '))
print(f'Triangle s= {mygeometry.striangle(a, b, c):.1f}')
print(f'Circle s= {mygeometry.scircle(r):.1f}')

Help on module mygeometry:



    striangle(a, b, c)


a= 2
b= 2
c= 3
r= 4
Triangle s= 2.0
Circle s= 50.3

If you need to place the module in a different location, then you need to point to it path in sys.path. For example, we created a module and placed it in the folder C:\user\math\modules, and the program that uses this module was saved in a different directory. Then the module must be connected as follows:

Code: modules -

import sys
import os

print("OS operating systems: ", sys.platform)
print("Sys version: ", sys.version)
print("Path sep: ", os.pathsep)
print("OS sep: ", os.sep)

''' Windows operating systems (OS) '''

# print(sys.path.append(r"C:\user\math\modules"))

Cross-platform operating systems (OS) 
Windows, macOS, and Linux 

absolute_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + "modules"

import mygeometry

a = int(input('a= '))
b = int(input('b= '))
c = int(input('c= '))
r = int(input('r= '))
print(f'Triangle s= {mygeometry.striangle(a, b, c):.1f}')
print(f'Circle s= {mygeometry.scircle(r):.1f}')


OS operating systems:  win32
Sys version:  3.9.7 (tags/v3.9.7:1016ef3, Aug 30 2021, 20:19:38) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
Path sep:  ;
OS sep:  \
Help on module mygeometry:



    striangle(a, b, c)


a= 2
b= 2
c= 3
r= 4
Triangle s= 2.0
Circle s= 50.3

When we import a module like mygeometry in Python, a folder named __pycache__ might be created. This folder is used for storing compiled bytecode versions of your modules to speed up import times. It contains optimized versions of your Python files, which are platform-independent. This bytecode compilation happens by default in Python 3 whenever you import a module, though you can disable it if necessary. The purpose of this is to avoid recompiling the source code each time it's imported, thus improving performance.

Separation of code within a program (module)
if __name__ == '__main__'

A Python module can be any source code file in this language. Each Python file can be run as a separate program or can be imported as a module into another executable program. If the imported file was originally created as a "classic" module, containing only a set of different functions, then the functions are executed only when called. However, if the imported file is a program containing both regular instructions and functions, then at the point where the module is imported, the execution of the program stops and does not resume until the code from the imported file is executed. Therefore, there is a need to separate the code that should be executed when the file is run as a standalone program from the code that should be executed when using the file as a module.

Every file in Python has a special attribute called __name__, the value of which is set to 'main' if the file is executed as the main program and not imported as a module. By checking if the attribute __name__ is equal to 'main', you can determine whether the file is the main executed program or an imported module.

Let's consider two simple files.

The first file:

Code: file

print('Module 1 started')
print('Connect module 2')

import m2

print('Last instruction of module 1')

The second file:

Code: file

print('Module 2 started')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Module 2 started as main program')

print('Last instruction of module 2')

If you run the file, the following result will be displayed:

Code: run file

Module 2 started
Module 2 started as main program
Last instruction of module 2

If you run the file, the following result will be displayed:

Code: run file

Module 1 started
Connect module 2
Module 2 started
Last instruction of module 2
Last instruction of module 1

Please note that in the second case (run file the line 'Module 2 started as main program' was not displayed as the main program." This suggests that in the second case the file launched as a module inside the file.

Links: Python documentation

[1] Python modules

[2] Python packages

[3] Python __main__ - top-level code environment

[4] Python modindex